From the Pastor’s Desk: March 26

What’s next for Grace? Little is predictable in the life of a church in 2015. There was a time when things were assumed about churches. For instance: there would always be the next generation to pick up where someone left off; and there would always be specific ways to study the Bible or to worship that people would flock to.

We can’t assume anything about the life of a church anymore. In many cases the next generation isn’t interested in what ...

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Welcome Jennifer Snook!

We are excited to welcome the Rev Jennifer Snook as our new Director of Children’s Ministries. Jennifer began serving with us March1 and brings incredible gifts for ministry to Grace. She and her husband Geoff served as co-pastors at Trinity Presbyterian in Wichita for 11 years. In the time since then, she’s been focusing on writing and being a mom. She and Geoff have three sons, Sam (6th grade), Isaac (3rd grade), and Will (Kindergarten).

We’ll have a formal time of ...

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Forgiveness Study

Adam-Hamilton-bookthumb_webOn March 2, we completed our congregational series on Forgiveness. Approximately 90 of you participated in study groups on this topic. This was a great showing of participation. Your Christian Discipleship Team hopes that this was a helpful and thought provoking study for you. We’d like to hear from you about what you thought. Be on the look-out for an electronic ...

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One Great Hour of Sharing

Around the world, many people lack access to food, clean water, sanitation, education, and opportunity. Each gift to One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) serves to help change the lives of those who are in these challenging situations. Received during our Palm Sunday offering, OGHS makes a difference in the world through three impactful programs:

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) receives 32% of funds raised to provide help after the devastation of natural or human-caused disasters.

Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) receives 36% of ...

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Children’s Ministry

Children’s Ministry

By Jennifer Snook, Director of Children’s Ministries

Sometimes in the late evening after we have put our three tornadoes to bed, I take a few minutes…okay, several minutes, and scroll through my Facebook newsfeed.

Being the youngest of six children, I have a number of people to keep in the loop. After sending a few messages, I usually scroll through my home page. Last week I noticed a photo that gave me pause to stop and stare. It was a snapshot ...

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