Laundry Love: May 10

Laundry Love is Sunday, May 10, from 3-5:30 pm at the College Town Laundry on 17th street between Oliver and

Laundry Love is a national grass roots effort. The idea is to “take-over” a laundry mat on the same day each month at the same time and to pay for everyone’s laundry.

The Grace evangelism team received a grant from the presbytery for this endeavor. In April we served 22 individuals/families and enjoyed time talking and hanging out in the laundry ...

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Middle School Mission 24

For twenty-four hours Friday, April 17 through Saturday, April 18, our INSPIRE Middle School Youth had a mission experience. They spent Friday night at the church and Saturday serving in the community. They helped with a neighborhood clean-up, worked at the ProKansas recycling center, and cleaned up Bleckley Park. Friday night included time for games, good food and worship. Senior High youth helped lead the weekend along with Kirk Anderson, director of student ministries, and adult volunteers.

Here are some quotes ...

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Confirmation by Kirk Anderson, Director of Student Ministries

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. ~Romans 12:2 

Since last October, we’ve been discussing with 12 amazing youth what it means to be conformed by God and not of this world through our Confirmation class. It has been both an honor and privilege for the confirmation team to work with these great ...

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Vacation Bible School Information

Vacation Bible School is June 29 – July 3 from 9 am – noon

It seems like we just took down the Christmas decorations, but nonetheless, Vacation Bible School is just around the corner. The children will enjoy a Blast to the Past as they explore biblical truths about friendship, honesty and God’s amazing love. There are a number of ways to be involved.

We are looking for someone to lead the mission tent, and we are currently putting together a team ...

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