02-23-2024 Rev Steven Marsh – Loving On Fumes

“Learning From and With Our God of Unconditional Love (Together, in a Variety of Ways)”

“Loving on Fumes?” – 1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50, Genesis 45:3-11, Luke 6:27-38


It is true that we drink from our own wells. Yes, what you fill your life with becomes nourishment. So, if I read the Bible, pray, engage in life-long learning, attend worship, participate in a small group, give from my life’s wallet, and serve others, I am filling my life with things that display God’s ...

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Yellow Bag Sundays in March: International Rescue Committee

Imagine traveling to a foreign country, not knowing the language, not having a support system, and not taking many, if any, of your personal possessions with you. This is what it is like for refugees who come to our community through the International Rescue Committee. Now think of all the help that our new neighbors need and all the help we can give. Our congregation has a long history of supporting refugees who find themselves in their new home in ...

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A Word from Our Interim Pastor

My friends, the Season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025. Join us for Ashes and Communion, “on the go”, near the Coffee Bar by the Great Room from 7:00am-8:30am. A traditional service of Ashes and Communion will be held in the Sanctuary that evening at 7:00 pm.

As I continue to reflect on the Annual Meeting last Sunday, I’m taken by the joy and fellowship that occurred around tables. And thanks to Chris Alexander and her team for ...

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