Town Hall Meeting #1

Rev. Dr. Steven March is hosting the first of six Town Hall Meetings this Sunday, March 17, immediately following the 11:00 am worship service in the Great Room. Bring a covered dish to share. The topic of discussion is: How has Grace’s past shaped who we are today? These meetings will be informative and allow opportunities to share your ideas and thoughts. Make plans to attend!

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One Great Hour of Sharing

logoThis is the first of four unique PCUSA offerings.  We will celebrate this offering on Palm Sunday.  There will be special envelopes you may use to designate your offering.

The three programs supported by One Great Hour of Sharing – Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People – all work in different ways to serve individuals and communities in need. From initial disaster response to ongoing community development, ...

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A Word From Our Interim Pastor: The Rev. Dr. Steven M. Marsh

Wow! I’m rapidly concluding my second month as our Interim Pastor. I am overflowing with gratitude for the privilege of serving at Grace.

Take note of the information below and save this edition of “A Word From Our Interim Pastor”:

The Six Steps in Our Interim Pastor Journey

Our Interim Pastor Journey Town Hall Meeting Step 1:

How has Grace’s past shaped who we are today? (Sunday, March 17, 2024)

Our Interim Pastor Journey Town Hall Meeting Step 2:

How would you describe Grace ...

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A Word From Our Interim Pastor: The Rev. Dr. Steven M. Marsh

As our Interim Pastor, I continue to experience deepening relationships with the staff, elders, deacons, trustees, volunteers in the ministries at and of Grace, and everyone who calls Grace Presbyterian Church their church home. For those relationships, I overflow with gratitude.

Wasn’t last Sunday’s single worship service, annual meeting, and luncheon inspiring? The movement of the Holy Spirit was palpable. The interaction between all present was sweet. God is good, and we participated in a unifying experience as Grace moves forward ...

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Refugee Committee: March Collection of Basic Needs

The Refugee committee is partnering with the International Rescue Committee to help provide the basic necessities for a refugee’s first home in Kansas. We will be collecting kitchen and hygiene kits this March. Supplies needed include:

 Kitchen Kits:                                                                                                           Hygiene Kits:

3 mixing bowls                                                                                                            8 bars of soap

1 dish drying rack                                                                                                        4 hand lotions

1 can opener                                                                                                              2 bottles of shampoo

2 kitchen towels                                                                                                          2 band aid boxes

3+ kitchen knives                                                                                                       2 bottles ...

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