Chancel Flowers for 2025


chancel flowesThere are opportunities available to give flowers that are on the chancel in the sanctuary on Sundays. Flowers may be ordered in memory of someone, in celebration of a special event, to recognize someone special, or just because. The cost is $70 to reserve both bouquets. Call the office at 684-5215 to reserve sanctuary flowers or for ...

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A Word from Our Interim Pastor – The Rev. Dr. Steven M. Marsh

MLK Holiday. Inauguration Day: the Second Day After

My thoughts continue: Both parties from the White House have issued Executive Orders. I do not know if any received unanimous or even majority bipartisan affirmation. I still am posing the question, “What is happening in America?” On the MLK Holiday, the Inauguration, and the days  following, Civil Rights took a big hit. Genders were defined only as male and female. The Justice Department has been tasked with investigating and enforcing particular Executive ...

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2025 Pledges

Have you turned in your 2025 Pledge Card yet? Join the 90 households that have turned in their pledge cards so far. Fill out your card and mail it or put it in the offering bag or plate or put it under Martin’s or Leah’s door. If you have misplaced your card, we have extras at the information carousel in the hall between the Great Room and the Sanctuary. Thank you for all you do to support and grow the ...

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Yellow Bag Sundays in January

Preparing for the Presbytery’s mission trip to Cuba later this year, our January Yellow Bag collection is medical items. Please make sure the bottles are sealed and the medications are in date. The need is great and our donations are much appreciated by the mission team and the people of Cuba who will benefit from our donations. NOTE: The team is not allowed to bring gummies or gel caps into Cuba, so please be sure your medicine donations are either ...

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