Watermark Event: Ann Patchett


We’re excited to host our neighbors, Watermark Books, on Monday, October 30. At 6:00 pm, we welcome author Ann Patchett in celebration of her new book Tom Lake. This is a ticketed event through Watermark. We need greeters starting at 5:15 p.m. and a clean-up team to break down the Great Room after the event. Sign ...

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Stewardship: Music Ministry: A Testimonial

Enjoy this testimonial from Mitchell Probst, the guitarist in the 9 a.m. Praise Band.

I’ve been at Grace for five years, and it has truly been an honor. When I started at Grace, my faith was wavering, and I had a fairly negative attitude about churches based on bad experiences at my church while growing up. The church where I grew up always seemed to lean towards fear as a motivator. I was shamed for reading the bible too much as ...

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GRATEFUL: A Stewardship Note

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Grace Presbyterian Church is GRATEFUL for your generosity and commitment financially. We are all blessed to be a part of God’s vision because you are a good financial steward. And we know God has more in store for us.

Watch your mailbox. This week, you receive your 2024 pledge card in the mail. Prayerfully consider what God calls you ...

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