Called Congregational Meeting Minutes, July 2, 2023

   Congregational Meeting in person and on Zoom, July 2, 2023:

  • Reverend Larry Cracraft opened the meeting with prayer at 11:07 am. Steve Hooper was appointed as the clerk and verified that there was a quorum.
  • Bill Varva moved that Ron Ford be elected to fill the office of Trustee for the class of 2025. Motion passed.
  • Bill Varva, on behalf of the nominating team, asked Tom Bloxom, Anne Burris, Dale Haury, Jocelyn Pafume, and Bob Ross to stand and moved that each ...
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Interim Pastor Nominating Team Update: July 19, 2023

We had our second meeting on July 19. We are now meeting on a weekly basis. We are following the “On Calling A Pastor” guide, which outlines the process that we are going through. In our July 19 meeting, we began filling out the Ministry Discernment Profile. This is used as a starting point for entering the Ministry Information Form in the PCUSA Church Leadership Connection, an online platform that matches Calling Congregations to Call Seekers. Once we get that ...

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Session Minute Summary: June 19

Look at what’s happening with the Session Committee:

  • The Grace Session met on June 19, at 6:00 pm. In the Grace Parlor. Catherine Neelly Burton opened the meeting with prayer.
  • Catherine explained that a Transition Team has been formed, whose members include: Jasper Lesage, Carolyn Shaw, Bill Vavra, and Ginny Vincent. This team is responsible (with Session) for worship planning, i.e., liturgy, music, and liturgists, as well as contacting new members and visitors.
  • The Nominating Team has begun its search for members of ...
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Good Neighbor Team

Our Good Neighbor Team completed another project on July 2. This was a yard cleanup project at the home of a woman named Nancy in east Wichita. Thirteen people from the Good Neighbor Team joined together and completed the project in under three hours.

Contact the church office at 316-684-5212, to learn how to be involved with this team.

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