Interim Pastor Nominating Committee


UPDATE JULY 12, 2023:

The Interim Pastor Nominating Committee (IPNC) met for the first time earlier this week. Their next step is to begin work on the Ministry Information Form (MIF). The MIF includes basic demographics of the congregation, desired characteristics for the interim pastor, specific responsibilities for them, as well as questions about the church’s mission and vision and our engagement with ...

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Who is Doing What Now?

    • The Interim Pastor Nominating Committee (IPNC) begins the search for our next Interim Pastor. Members of this team are Tom Bloxham, Anne Burris, Dale Haury, Jocelyn Pafume, and Bob Ross. Please reach out to any of them if you have questions. Look for IPNC updates by clicking on the Pastor Transition button on our main page.
    • The personnel team is ...
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Worship Leaders for July

Here are the pastoral leaders for the month of July:

July 16  – Pastor  Larry Cracraft preaches from Deuteronomy 30:11-14 and Philemon

July 23  –  Pastor Cheryl Hoops preaches from Psalm 51:1-4, 10-12 and Matthew 18:21-35.

July 30  –  Youth Sunday





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