The Cross of Renewal

pulpit crossMarian Vavra shared The Cross of Renewal ©2001, her straw sanctuary cross, for Easter as it symbolizes Grace’s Re-Lent theme. Designed for inclusion in an English art book on Swiss Straw Work published in 2003, she used layers of creation and renewal imagery to honor generations of stewards of the land created by God: people who ...

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April Yellow Bags: Covenant Presbyterian Food Pantry

Helping 40 Families with Yellow Bag Contributions

This month’s Yellow Bag collection goes to the Covenant Presbyterian Church Food Pantry.  The Pantry helps around 40 families and is a lifeline for those families to meet their monthly food needs.  Non-perishable foods such as canned vegetables and fruits, cereals, peanut butter, canned meats, and other items fill the gap for nourishing foods for these families.  Your contributions to their food ministry are very much appreciated by Covenant Presbyterian.  Thank You, Grace Congregation.  ...

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Easter Sunday: April 9

easter cross

We gather on Easter Sunday, April 9, to celebrate Christ’s victory over death.

9:00 am                       Worship in the Great Room.

10:00 am                     Easter Egg Hunt on the south lawn. Gather on the steps by door.

10:00-11:00 am           Come and go Continental breakfast in the Great Room.

11:00 am                     Worship in the sanctuary.

Both worship services include communion and are streamed online.  Join us on ...

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The Good Neighbor Team: 2023

The Good Neighbor team is ready for a third season of service!

The Good Neighbor Team is a hands-on team that partners with the Code Enforcement Office of the city and county. This office looks for volunteers to complete physical labor at the homes of people who are at risk of fines for code violations.  Many of these people do not have the financial or physical means to complete the projects.  Projects include yard cleanup, demolishing a broken shed, and lawn ...

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