Adult Sunday School Open House

An adult Sunday School class meets each Sunday at 10 am in the Grace Parlor. The class is comprised of adults of all ages.  Currently the class is studying the Belhar Confession for six weeks but generally studies the worship scripture for the day.

The class is a good place for people to jump in and gain insight into scripture, ask questions, and get to know a fun and relaxed group of people.

If you’re curious about Sunday School, drop in at ...

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Grace Super Senior Party

All Grace Members 80 and older are invited to join the deacons for lunch and live music on Saturday, August 27, from 12 – 1 pm in the Grace Great Room.

RSVP to the church, 316-684-5215, by August 18. You are welcome to bring a friend or driver. Please let us know if you need a ride.

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Children’s Ministry Updates

Dear Grace Community,

We are actively looking to fill two positions in children’s ministries. The first is the Director of Children’s Ministry. The job description has been adapted and is for 10-12 hours a week. The second position is new and comes out of work that Jennifer Snook did with Jacob’s Learning Ladder. It is the Jacob’s Learning Ladder (JLL) Chaplain and is five hours a week. Applicants are welcome to apply for both positions.

The Director of Children’s Ministry continues to ...

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Yellow Bags: August

Each month we invite you to participate in ‘yellow bag’ giving. This month our yellow bag donations go to the food pantry at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Wichita.

All non-perishable items are welcome, and these would be particularly helpful: canned fruit, applesauce, tuna, mayonnaise or miracle whip, ranch dressing, and ketchup. Take home a yellow bag when you’re in the building and bring it back with your donations.

Please remember to be aware not to donate open food packages, long out-of-date items, ...

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