Session Minute Summary: August 22, 2022

Full Session minutes are available upon request

  • The Grace Session met on August 22 at 6:30 pm in the Grace Parlor and on Zoom. The meeting was opened with a devotional by Strom Sloan.
  • The Session received elder Hal Pluenneke’s resignation. The Session is to have 9-12 elders. With Hal’s resignation, the body is now at 10.
  • As noted at the July meeting, the church members who gave a $50,000 gift in 2021 to be used for ministries with children and youth are ...
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From the Pastor’s Desk

Dear Grace Community,

I want you to know about a conversation your Session has engaged with since June. The topic is our church’s welcome of the LGBTQ community.  I initiated the conversation out of a desire for clarity.

In 2011 the PCUSA (our denomination) removed the language from our Book of Order that prohibited the ordination of members of the non-celibate LGBTQ community.  I do not recall there being many conversations about this at Grace.  I, or another pastor, may have written ...

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Journey Through Scripture

On Sunday, September 18, we begin our fourth journey through scripture.  Each fall we read stories that tell the big picture of the Old Testament, beginning in Genesis and ending with the prophets before Christmas.  Then we spend the winter and spring in one gospel book.  This year our book is Matthew.

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Trick or Treat so Others May Eat

Spiderwebs Trick or Treat Instagram Post

This October our children and middle high youth “trick or treat” for food.  On Sunday, October 9, during the Sunday School hour (10 am), we meet in the Great Room and then canvas the neighborhood with grocery bags.  Each grocery bag includes an invitation to our neighbors to donate non-perishable food ...

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Join a 4-Week Group for Prayer and Study

Why do we pray to God?

Because we were created to live with God, who desires the prayers of our hearts. Our hearts long for God, for we need God’s help and guidance every day. – Presbyterian Children’s Catechism

Prayer is part of life as a Christian. Prayer is beautiful. Prayer can be overwhelming and confusing.

You’re invited to join a four-week group to study prayer and pray together. Look for sign-ups at Grace on Sunday or call the church office to sign ...

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