Jacob’s Learning Ladder Summer

JLL has had a very busy summer! In June we had Water Day on the front lawn and participated in Vacation Bible School. In July we celebrated July Fourth with a parade around the building. We also took a Field Trip to Botanica to visit the “Washed Ashore” exhibit and to explore the gardens.

Summer is a good time for inside activities – we melted old crayons in a muffin tin to see what would happen! We also had a Drive-In ...

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Music Ministries

The Music Ministries at Grace are gearing up for a new season with our choir and bell choir. The choir starts rehearsals on Wednesday, August 31 from 6:15-7:15 pm in the sanctuary. Choir members rehearse weekly on Wednesdays and lead worship at the 11 am service on Sundays. In addition to singing introits and choral anthems, the choir prepares an Advent cantata or large work with instrumental collaboration. If you like to sing, we would love to have you join ...

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Cook-Out and Potluck at OJ Watson Park: Sunday September 11

It’s time for some food, fellowship, and fun. Join the Grace Deacons at OJ Watson Park on Sunday, September 11. We gather in Pavilion #4 at 5:30 pm. Bring a side dish or dessert to share. The church provides protein on the grill (hot dogs, hamburgers, and veggie burgers.)  We eat at 5:45 pm.

Stick around for fellowship in the pavilion or explore the park. Rides (train and pony), boats, paddle-boats, and putt-putt are all available for a fee. There are ...

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Adult Sunday School Open House

An adult Sunday School class meets each Sunday at 10 am in the Grace Parlor. The class is comprised of adults of all ages.  Currently the class is studying the Belhar Confession for six weeks but generally studies the worship scripture for the day.

The class is a good place for people to jump in and gain insight into scripture, ask questions, and get to know a fun and relaxed group of people.

If you’re curious about Sunday School, drop in at ...

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Grace Super Senior Party

All Grace Members 80 and older are invited to join the deacons for lunch and live music on Saturday, August 27, from 12 – 1 pm in the Grace Great Room.

RSVP to the church, 316-684-5215, by August 18. You are welcome to bring a friend or driver. Please let us know if you need a ride.

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