Session Minute Summaries: May 16, June 5, and June 20

Full Session minutes are available upon request.

May 16, 2022

  • The Grace Session met on May 16 in the church alcove.
  • The meeting was opened with a devotional led by Jody Webster.
  • The Session joyfully received David Morris into membership. David joined by letter of transfer from the First Presbyterian Church of Salina. David’s wife Sarah joined at an earlier meeting.
  • There was discussion about the appearance of the baptismal font in the sanctuary. While not urgent, it was agreed upon that the font needs ...
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Back to School Backpack Bash: Volunteers Needed

Volunteers are needed to help with the refugee back-to-school backpack bash. The event is held indoors at First Presbyterian Church, July 30, 2022, from 10 am to 3 pm. For everyone’s safety, masks are required for all volunteers and participants.

Volunteers are needed:

Friday, July 29, from 10 am to noon, for set-up and decorating.

Saturday, July 30, from 10 am to 2:30 pm, helping at the registration table, hospitality, serving snacks, helping with kids’ activities and clean up. A few volunteers are ...

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Yellow Bags: July

It is just the beginning of July, but already we are thinking of the upcoming school year and how Grace is going to help students be ready.  This month’s yellow bag donations are helping refugee families with school supplies for their kids.  Our church is collecting the following items:

  • Wide-rule notebook paper
  • Colored pencils
  • Markers – Think – packs of 8-20

And, if you prefer, you are welcome to give a cash donation for this cause.  All items and cash donations need to be ...

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Family Camp

“This is better than Christmas morning,” said Will Snook as they were packing their car for a week of family camp at Gull Lake Ministries last summer.

This summer, three families from Grace are attending family camp together. The experience is a spiritual vitamin that encourages them as they learn how to incorporate their faith into their daily family life.

Gull Lake Ministries, located in Hickory Corners, Michigan, cultivates Christian community in a unique and authentic way. Families go away from their ...

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