Presbyterian Disaster Assistance: Andover Tornado Help

On Friday, April 29, 2022, a tornado hit Andover, Kansas. The next Monday I reached out to the Presbytery of Southern Kansas to see how, or if, the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) might help.  In the last decade our congregation has given physical supplies and financial gifts to the PDA.  We’ve packed buckets and hygiene bags and given to the One Great Hour of Sharing offering.

I learned that for PDA to have actual “boots on the ground” we needed to ...

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What Does the Church Have to Say About Race? Confession of Belhar Study

Some described the summer of 2020 as a summer of racial reckoning, others as a summer of racial unrest.  As individuals, as a church, and as a society we learned the names George Floyd and Brianna Taylor.  We saw protests nationally and right here in Wichita.  Members of our congregation committed to reading articles and books and watching movies related to race.  We gathered and discussed.  Corporately we have not talked much since then.

Yes, our book club has read and ...

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Ecumenical Lord’s Prayer

During the month of June we use the Ecumenical Lord’s Prayer translation in worship.  Like many of you, I (Pastor Catherine), love the Lord’s Prayer that we say each week in worship. It is in my bones. I am not trying to take this away from us, and we return to it in July.

The reason for using the Ecumenical version in June is to remind ourselves of the expanse of God’s church. We begin June with Pentecost Sunday when the ...

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