A Word from Our Interim Pastor – The Rev. Dr. Steven M. Marsh

  • Advent is about new beginnings. The Fourth Sunday in Advent is December 22.

What is the new beginning in your life that you desire more love?

  • Hope is the expectation that God reigns and God’s promises will be fulfilled.
  • Peace is something God will give you that surpasses all understanding.
  • Joy is the contentment that adds buoyancy to your soul.
  • Love is anchor to our relationship with God and others.

Jesus came into the world, fully God and fully man. Jesus Christ brings salvation to humans ...

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Christmas Brunch: December 22

Plan to attend the Grace Christmas Brunch! It is Sunday, December 22, from 10:00 am – 11:00 am, in the Great Room. Take time from the hustle and bustle, relax, and visit with your Grace friends. This is a pot-luck brunch, and sign-up sheets are on the bulletin board by the coffee bar. Categories are egg dishes, meats and cheeses, fruits, bread, and pastries. Dishes can be delivered to the kitchen any time before 10:00 am on December 22.

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PCUSA Per Capita

It’s that time of year again – for our per capita commitment to the PCUSA. For 2025, per capita is $42.50 per active Grace member. This money is part of the glue that holds Presbyterians together and enables us to work with other Presbyterian churches in our presbytery and across the country to further the mission of Jesus Christ. If you’d like to defray the cost of this budget item, make a check payable to Grace and mark it ‘per ...

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12-08-2024 Rev Steven Marsh – Hear the Urgency of the Message

“Worshipping Our God of Unconditional Love (Together, in a Variety of Ways)”

“Hear the Urgency of the Message” – Malachi 3:1-3, Luke 3:1-6

Advent highlights the power of hope and peace.

A friend and mentor passed away on November 19th. Tony Campolo changed my life  with his focus on Jesus’ commitment to justice and the “least of these.” Tony Campolo wrote a book titled The Kingdom of God is a Party. In chapter one, he tells the story of a trip to Honolulu ...

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Join the Christian Discipleship Team

If you attend the Adult Sunday School, participate in Bible Studies, or would like to but haven’t seen a topic that interests you, this notice is for you! The Christian Discipleship Team is searching for additional volunteers to help us discern the needs of the congregation and find new and exciting ways to meet those needs. This is not a commitment to lead a class, but rather to give 30-45 minutes of your time once a month to discuss all ...

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