Full to the Brim: Lenten Exchange

This Lent we’re trying something new. Six PCUSA churches in the Wichita area are coming together for a shared theme and Lenten experience. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on March 2 and culminates during Holy Week, the days leading to Easter, April 17.

Our theme for Lent is “Full to the Brim,” and in addition to sharing a theme we’re sharing pulpits. In an expression of our shared identity as PCUSA congregations, the pastors from the area churches exchange pulpits. Catherine ...

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Thank You, Outgoing Officers!

Each winter we ordain and install new officers and say thank you to those who have completed their active service. The following people end their service in February.

  • Thank you to elders Bronwen Burch, Dennis Buteyn, Pam Head, Fred Heismeyer, and Alisa Watkins.
  • Thank you to deacons Catherine Briggs, John Hageman, Kendall Price, and Sophia Randle
  • Thank you to trustees Ron Ford and Hunt Parker.
  • Thank you to Jacob’s Learning Ladder board member Betsy Schumann.

In addition, we give thanks for our church officers: president ...

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Yellow Bags: February

Each month we invite members to fill a yellow reusable grocery bag to support a different mission in our community. In February our donations go to the Covenant Presbyterian Church Food Pantry.  Please bring non-perishable food to the church all month. If you bring canned food, try to look for cans with pop-tops, or consider bringing a can opener as a donation. If you bring food from your pantry, be sure to check the expiration dates. Finally, as you make ...

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Session Summary: December 2021

  • The Grace Session met on December 20, 2021, in the Grace Parlor, with three Session members on Zoom.
  • The meeting was opened and closed with prayer.
  • Catherine shared about an initiative proposed by Brent Johnston (pastor at First Pres Wichita) to coordinate the Wichita area churches in a cooperative Lent. This would include a shared theme and a pulpit exchange. The Session was interested in participating and Catherine will pursue this.
  • We celebrated the fun and successful Hanging of the Greens event.
  • Covid protocols ...
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