July Yellow Bags: School Supplies

It’s time for the Refugee Back to School Backpack Drive!  Each year we partner with other churches and organizations to prepare and share 400 backpacks with the Wichita Refugee Community.  This year the event looks much different but the need remains.

Grace is assigned very specific items this year.  Please read the list and bring your donations by the church.  If you prefer to donate money, the refugee team will shop.  Please bring all donations to Grace by Monday July 20.

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No In-Person Church at This Time

Dear Grace Community,

We WILL NOT gather for in-person worship now. I write to explain and share our plans moving forward.

We will now base our decision about worship on the rolling 14-day average percent of positive Covid-19 tests. When this number is at 5% or above, on Monday/Tuesday, we will NOT meet the following Sunday. You can find this data here: As of Tuesday, June 30, the number is at 5.3%.

Early on, we, like others, did our best to decipher data ...

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Grace Updates: June 27, 2020

Dear Grace Community,

This week my Saturday letter to you comes as an update about my service as a commissioner to the General Assembly. As you read this, I’m likely in the Zoom assembly. Read more here>

I do have one request. Do you have any pictures of you and/or your family watching online worship? I’ve seen a few on social media of your pets! If you have any, will you send them to me at Catherine@mygpc.org

In Christ,

The ...

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PCUSA General Assembly (and Catherine Neelly Burton) Part II

Dear Grace Community,

Last Friday evening I logged into Zoom as one of over 450 commissioners to the 224th PCUSA General Assembly.  We were joined by over 100 advisory delegates (young adults, theological students, and missionaries) and over 100 corresponding members (former moderators, assembly committee members, and more).  There were more than 700 of us in the meeting.

The first forty-five minutes were surprisingly moving and holy. The pre-taped worship was inspiring, and I felt the Spirit move as I stood in ...

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Grace Updates: June 20, 2020

Dear Grace Community,

This week my Saturday letter to you comes as a letter from the Grace session regarding our return to in-person worship.  You may find it here >
In Christ,

The Grace 2-Week Challenge
PCUSA General Assembly
Virtual Vacation Bible School Videos
Music Ministry at Grace
Giving the Basics
Grace Yard Signs

Church Directory Pick-up
If you did not pick up your church directory before we shut down, you ...

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