Refugee Team

The Grace Refugee Team met online last Friday.  In addition to Grace, the meeting included a member of First Presbyterian and two staff members from the International Rescue Committee (IRC).  The team and IRC are grateful for the wonderful response to the March Yellow Bag drive.  All of the items donated were delivered to the IRC.

IRC has now closed their office, but the staff continues to work with clients. Like other vulnerable groups, the refugee community has unique challenges related ...

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Grace Field Notes Book Club: April 28 at 6:30 pm

Are you interested in reading books that offer perspectives different from traditional, mainstream Christian authors? Join us for a new reading and discussion experience!

Inspired by author Sarah Bessey’s 2020 Field Notes Book Club, we read “books that help to form us more into the image of Jesus for the sake of the world written by exclusively BIPOC (black, indigenous, and/or people of colour) authors.”

You may choose to read each book and come to all six meetings, or pick the ones ...

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Updates: March 23, 2020

Dear Grace Community,

It was good to worship with so many of you on Facebook today.  It is uplifting to me to know we are together.  I hope others of you will watch worship here on our website.

We sent out a series of online opportunities for you on Saturday.  I included one wrong address.  The link for the Service for Lament is now updated below.

Please take advantage of these opportunities.  If you need help navigating any of this, contact us, 316-684-5215.  ...

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Updates: March 21, 2020

Dear Grace Community,

There are multiple ways for you to connect with the church and each other in the next week.  Please take advantage of these opportunities.  If you need help navigating any of this, contact us, 316-684-5215.  Also, please be patient with us if something doesn’t work quite the way you expect.  We’re learning a lot of this on the fly.  I’m grateful that there are ways we can connect, and I continue to pray for you.

In Christ,

Please note: ...

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