Ash Wednesday February 26

ashLent begins with Ash Wednesday on February 26.  This year we again have two opportunities for Ash Wednesday worship.

The first is Ashes On the Go at Watermark Books.  From 7-9 am Pastor Catherine Neelly Burton is at Watermark to mark you with ashes as you start your day.  It’s a come and go time, though you’re welcome to get breakfast and stay ...

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Kids Lead! Worship Service: Sunday February 23 at 10 am

Save the date! Kids Lead Sunday is February 23 at 10 am in the Great Room.  Sunday School classes are working on their contributions to the worship service.  That means we need all of you to offer your ideas and input.  This year we plan on explaining “Why Church?” from the perspective of what we do in worship.  Worship can be really exciting for kids and adults, but it can also feel long and boring and pointless to kids.  At ...

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February Yellow Bag Sunday

Each month on the first Sunday you’re encouraged to take home a re-usable yellow grocery bag, put some non-perishable items in it, and bring it back the next week, or soon thereafter.  In February our contributions go to the food pantry at the Center Church.  This is the building that used to be Mt. Vernon Presbyterian.  The Center Church continues to operate the food pantry.  Consider bringing cereal and canned vegetables.

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Cookies for the Community

It’s time to bake and deliver cookies for our community.  This is the seventh year for our cookie initiative, and we’re excited to again offer a blessing to those who work in our city.

A bulletin board is up by the coffee bar.  You sign up to either bake two dozen cookies, or you sign up for a location to deliver them.  See the list of delivery locations on the bulletin board.

If you sign up to bake cookies, you bring them ...

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