Messy Church: December 8

Messy Church happens at 4:30 pm, December 8. Invite your neighbors and friends to this fun, interactive hands on ministry.  Dinner is served at 5:30 pm. This is our chance as a congregation to make a heart connection with our kids and families who may be new to our church or even new to Christian faith.  Passing on our story means that every believer gets the opportunity to share the ways in which God has rescued them.  Life is Messy, ...

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Cuba Connection

On Thursday, November 14, Darcy Eads travels to Cuba along with Cheri Ochs Wheeler, member of the Marion Presbyterian Church.  They will meet with Presbyterians from the US and Presbyterians from the Del Centro Presbytery of Cuba.  In addition, Darcy and Cheri meet with members and leaders of the Placetas Presbyterian Church.

Pray for Cheri and Darcy. Pray for their safety.  Pray that God guides them as they seek to discern how our churches might partner with Cuba.  Pray that the ...

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Operation Holiday 2019

operation holidayIt’s time for Operation Holiday!  Each year we partner with Humankind Ministries (formerly Interfaith Ministries) for Operation Holiday.  This outreach serves more than 15,000 people in our community providing food, coats, blankets, and gifts.

We have large Operation Holiday boxes in the halls at Grace.  Please contribute coats, hats, gloves, and blankets in the boxes.  New and used coats are both welcome.  ...

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Alternative Gift Market: November 9

We need your help staffing our two tables at the upcoming Alternative Gift Market on Saturday, November 9, from 10 am to 4 pm, at First Presbyterian Church. It’s easy and fun. Look at the bulletin board by the coffee bar for the times we need volunteers, and support another mission project of Grace Presbyterian Church.

Speaking of the Alternative Gift Market, do you find it hard to buy a gift for a family member, friend or colleague?

The Alternative Gift Market ...

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