August 2019 Yellow Bag Sundays

Each month on the first Sunday you’re encouraged to take home a re-usable yellow grocery bag, put some non-perishable items in it, and bring it back the next week, or soon thereafter.  In August our offering goes to the Covenant Presbyterian Church Food Pantry.  All non-perishable groceries are welcome.  Consider bringing canned meats and canned fruits.

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Invitation to the Old Testament Bible Study

oldAre you interested in an in-depth Bible Study?  This fall Pastor Catherine Neelly Burton invites you to join her for “Invitation to the Old Testament.”  This is nine-week overview of the Old Testament.  It is part of the Disciple Curriculum and is like the “Invitation to Psalms” that was offered in 2016 and “Invitation to John” in 2018.  It is a study ...

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Presbyterian Triennium

This July 16-20 thousands of Presbyterian youth and adults gather in West Lafayette, Indiana, for Triennium.  Triennium is held every three years and brings together youth and adults from around the country for worship, fellowship, study, play, and service.  It’s an incredible opportunity for young people to see the church beyond the local congregation.

This year, five of our youth and two adults are at Triennium with the delegation from the Presbytery of Southern Kansas.  You may ...

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Cuba Connection: August 2019

In March 2019, Darcy Eads, Pam Head, and Capri Zimmerman traveled from Grace to Cuba with a group from the Presbytery of Southern Kansas. They spent their time in Cuba in the Del Centro Presbytery learning about the life and mission of the congregations there. They visited different churches and met with and worshiped with Cuban Presbyterians.

Since their return, the Grace Session has approved the start of a Cuba Team to explore a future partnership with a Cuban Congregation. In ...

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Kings Worship Series

Kings Worship Series

Join us for a look at the books of I and II Kings. From June 16 – July 7, we dig into stories of greed, corruption, abuse of power, sometimes goodness, and always God’s faithfulness. Catherine Neelly Burton preaches on Sundays from Kings at 9 am and 11 am, and Martin Burch teaches an adult Sunday School class at 10 am.

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