Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

As we watch natural disasters impact our nation and world, know that the Presbyterian Church USA is involved in disaster assistance and clean-up.  The Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is active in many ways.  Last fall our congregation packed 18 clean-up buckets.  Buckets like ours are given out after events like Hurricane Florence.  The PDA is involved in the long-term clean up and restoration efforts in Houston from Hurricane Harvey.  Learn more here:

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Yellow Bag Sundays: October

As we all know, some of us have more than others. Over the Thanksgiving holiday those with more have an opportunity to help those with less.  Grace Presbyterian is helping our neighbors by collecting food (or money) to help the Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church Food Pantry.  For the Yellow Bag collection in October and throughout our Stewardship season our congregation is collecting specific items to fill food baskets.

Below are the items we need to fill each food basket:

  • Canned Veggies – ...
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Watermark Books Event: October 25

We welcome our neighbors and friends from Watermark Books back to Grace. On Thursday, October 25, at 6:30 pm, award-winning editor, author, and historian Hampton Sides shares about his book On Desperate Ground.

The event is free and open to the public.  Watermark events are great ways for us to offer hospitality, and we enjoy sharing cookies and drinks with our guests before the event.  We need volunteers to greet and set out refreshments.  Let Catherine Neelly Burton ( know ...

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Peace and Global Witness Offering: October 7

On Sunday, October 7, we celebrate World Communion Sunday.  Along with siblings in faith around the globe we share the Lord’s Supper in worship.  We also receive the Peace and Global Witness Offering.  This offering is one of the PCUSA offerings we receive every year.  Fifty percent of the received offering goes to the national church for peacemaking efforts around the globe. Twenty-five percent goes to the Presbytery of Southern Kansas for peacemaking efforts in the region. The Grace Mission ...

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Prairie Fire Marathon and Bluegrass Worship on the Lawn: Sunday, October 14

Sunday, October 14, is the Prairie Fire Marathon and Half Marathon.  For the sixth year in a row runners race past Grace starting around 8 am. We sit on the lawn to cheer for them as they zoom down Douglas.  Cheering, waving, and clapping for the runners is joyful, particularly when you can see the difference the encouragement makes for a person.  Bring a chair or plan to stand.  Our presence on the lawn is an important witness to the ...

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