Miles 4 Mission

Our IGNITE mission trip heads due south this year to Rockport, Texas.  This coastal area was hit directly by Hurricane Harvey, but it wasn’t talked about as much in the news.

Groups plan to repair and rebuild severely damaged homes throughout the community. We are teaming with TEAMeffort again along with other youth from July 6 – 15.

Miles 4 Mission is an opportunity to help support this year’s Mission trip. You can purchase miles at the Miles 4 Mission table located ...

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The Gift of Life by John Rutter – April 22

Our choirs present John Rutter’s extended musical work, The Gift of Life, in the 11 am worship service on April 22, accompanied by instrumentalists from the community. Setting a variety of sacred texts and new words, this is a choral celebration of the living earth and its Creator. Our choirs have been working hard on this and invite all to join together in worship as we praise God and rejoice in our gift of life!

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Westminster Woods Women’s Retreat April 27-28

Westminster Woods is holding a Women’s Retreat on April 27 and 28. Amy Baumgartner is the retreat speaker. She shares Biblical examples of how God has called people so that we can gain a better understanding of the ways God calls us. You may arrive Friday, April 27, and spend the night, or drive over for the day on Saturday, April 28. The cost is $75 for Friday and Saturday and $50 for Saturday only. Scholarships are available from Grace. ...

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One Great Hour of Sharing

On Easter Sunday, April 1, we receive the One Great Hour of Sharing offering. Our offering goes to the Presbyterian Church USA to be used for disaster relief, food for the hungry, and education and empowerment for those in need. This money is given all over the world, including here in Kansas.  Last year after wildfires, the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance gave grants to help meet need in Ashland, Kansas.

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Our church is a busy, caring congregation, and this spring is no exception. Our painting project is on this spring, and we are painting a 20 X 30 foot United States map for the students of Adams Elementary School.

Fifteen– twenty volunteers are needed Saturday, March 31, from 8:30 am – 12 pm. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board just to the right of the Deacons’ closet in the Narthex. We could also use a few volunteers on ...

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