Yellow Bag Thanks, and September Donations

Thanks to all who contributed to the August Yellow Bag collection, which supports our own Jacob’s Learning Ladder school. Your contributions will help JLL kick off the new year with some new items to help the students learn.

Looking ahead, we will be collecting hygiene items for Simply Hygiene in September. Soap, toothpaste, shampoo, feminine items, diapers, and baby wipes are just some of the items needed. Look for barrels around the church in September to drop off your donations.

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Wednesday, the Pastors Study Class

How are you wired when it comes to spending time with other people? Are you more comfortable when everyone in the group thinks and believes in the same way, or do you thrive on diversity in thought and beliefs? Join Steve for the Pastor’s Study, a seven-session experience on engaging and embracing the spectrum of diversity in a church that exists in a Red-and-Blue World. On Wednesdays, September 11, 18, 25, October 2, 16, 23, and 30 from 9:30 am-11:00 ...

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Choir Rehearsal Resumes: September 4

The robes are cleaned, the new stoles have been delivered, and it’s time to start the choir back up!

Rehearsals begin Wednesday, September 4, and the choir sings the following Sunday, September 8. Rehearsals are from 6:00-7:00 pm. The season starts with anthems that center around our current series on Esther.

Feel free to invite a friend or family member with you to choir rehearsal. The more the merrier. See you all soon!


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Seven Week Esther Series – “For a Time Such as This”

Starting Sunday, August 18, your Worship Team and Rev. Dr. Steven Marsh will lead a seven-week sermon/message series on the Book of Esther titled “For a Time Such as This.”  Each week, they will explore one chapter of Esther, looking at its significance then and for today.  Join in by reading the corresponding chapter before worship.

August 18 – Chapter 1: “The Time is Now”

August 25 – Chapter 2: “Thinking, Not Blamming”

September 1 – Chapter 3: “Favoring, Not Shaming”

September 8 – ...

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