Summer Choir – July 9 and 16, 2017

All are invited to join together to sing in Summer Choir for the 11 am service on Sundays, July 9 and 16, 2017. 

We meet in the choir loft at 10 am to learn the music and then sing for the service.  You can come for both Sundays or just one.  We welcome a variety of ages for this, too, so it might be a great opportunity for your family to come ...

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Flat Jesus: Take Jesus with You

flat JesusWill you be out of town on a Sunday this summer? Want to stay connected to Grace in a lighthearted way?  Take “Flat Jesus” with you wherever you go.

Jennifer Snook has a set of Flat Jesus’ ready to share. The idea is that you take one of these images of Jesus with you, take a picture, and send it ...

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Bus Tickets and Morning Worship: June 15

Each month Grace distributes bus tickets to people in our community.  This happens on the 15th of the month, or if the 15th is a weekend we meet the Friday before.  Volunteers and those receiving tickets begin to gather around 6:30 am in the Grace Alcove. Guests are greeted with smiles, coffee, water, and a place to sit. Tickets are distributed at 7:50 am.

We invite all guests to a brief worship service with communion in the Great Room at 7:35.

We ...

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Memorial Garden

One year ago, the Grace Session formed a task force to consider designating a space on our church property for the burial of ashes. The task force studied the idea, visited other churches that do this, and made a recommendation in favor of this to the Session.  The congregation was invited to come and learn about the proposal to talk with the session.  After all of that the Session voted in favor of the proposal.

The outdoor space to the east ...

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