Social Media Fast

Fasting is an ancient Christian practice.  This year during Lent you’re invited to a different kind of fast.  Each week, pick one day – any day – and fast from social media for 24 hours.  Use email for work if you must, but do not log into facebook, Instagram, twitter, etc.  Every time you start to open the app on your phone or log in on your computer, stop, and instead pray or read scripture.

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Lent 2017: In Life and In Death

Our theme for Lent this year is In Life and In Death.  Lent is a time to acknowledge and name our reliance on God.  The Heidelberg Catechism begins with this question and answer:

Q. What is your only comfort, in life and in death?

A. That I belong–body and soul, in life and in death–not to myself but to my faithful Savior, Jesus Christ…

As we explore scripture and prepare to walk with Jesus to the cross we know that we do so ...

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Communion in the City

You’re invited to worship in the city each Wednesday during Lent.  We did this in 2014 and found it to be a positive experience personally and for our corporate faith. Each week we gather at 6:30 pm, usually in a restaurant.  You’re encouraged to buy something to eat or drink, though this is not a requirement.

Catherine leads a short worship service that includes communion. The March 15 date is a more extensive worship as it includes the youth group and ...

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Planned Giving Luncheon: March 12

Everyone wants to retire someday.  Or perhaps you are retirement age and want some tips on making your dollars go farther.  The Planned Giving committee with Grace is here to help. Financial advisor, Jerry Juhnke, will present a seminar entitled “Planning for a Comfortable Retirement.”

Topics will include choosing the best retirement plan, getting the most from Social Security, investing for the best returns and more.  We will also include a few ideas on getting a better tax benefit from your ...

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