
It’s time to bake and deliver cookies to our community. This is the fourth year for our cookie initiative, and we’re excited to again offer a blessing to those who work in our city.

In early February a bulletin board will go up by the coffee bar.  You’ll sign up to either bake two dozen cookies, or you’ll sign up for a location to deliver them. Locations include places like: fire stations, public library, the hospital ER, and more.

If you sign ...

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Memorial Garden Conversation

In life and in death we belong to God.[1]

We do not live to ourselves, and we do not die to ourselves.

If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord; so then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s. For to this end Christ died and lived again, so that he might be Lord of both the dead and the living.[2]

These confessions are at the heart ...

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Trivia Night

First Presbyterian Church (525 N. Broadway) is hosting a Trivia Night on February 18.  Doors open at 6:30 pm, and trivia starts at 7 pm. This is a fundraiser to benefit Partners for Wichita (PfW), an ecumenical group with various ministry projects including the Filling the Gap summer lunch program.

Let’s represent Grace for a fun evening of fellowship and trivia! Recruit your friends and family! Adults and teens are encouraged to sign up.

The cost is $15 per person and directly ...

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February Adult Sunday School 2017

There are two learning opportunities on Sunday mornings for adults in February. Classes meet on February 5, 19, and 26.  (The annual meeting is at 10 am on February 12, so there is no Sunday School).

Adults may choose between ‘Love and Logic’ and ‘How do you spell Presbyterian?’

  • Love and Logic – Meets in Room 101 – Taught by Cindy Dethloff and Jennifer Snook
    • Love and Logic is an approach for how we communicate with one another. It is traditionally viewed through ...
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Art on Display

The Grace Arts Team does an incredible job of enhancing our worship spaces and building throughout the year.  They create and find art that relates to worship and the life of the church.

As we approach Children Led Worship on January 29, our Arts Team created a new display. After soliciting art from our youngest artist the team displayed this art on the wall across from the Grace coffee bar. Take time to enjoy it!

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