Did you know that peanut butter and jelly are two of the most sought-after items in food pantries?  They are tasty and provide some important nourishment. During the month of June, we are collecting peanut butter and jelly and donating half to the Covenant Presbyterian’s food pantry and half to the Salvation Army (Orchard location) food pantry. If possible, please make sure the jars are plastic. You are welcome to make a cash donation and note on the check that ...

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VBS Volunteers Needed and Ice Cream Toppings

Friday, June 21, Grace is in charge of an Ice Cream Social following Vacation Bible School. We need your support for this important occasion. We need Ice Cream toppings and 4-6 volunteers to help set up, serve, and clean up. You can drop off donated toppings at Kirk’s office before Wednesday, June 19. Volunteers are needed from 6:00-7:30 pm on June 21. Get with Kirk or Charlene Randle if you can help. This will be a fun event!

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May’s Yellow Bag Recipient: Kansas Humane Society

May’s Yellow Bag collection is pet food/snacks to benefit the Kansas Humane Society (KHS). KHS helps over 15,000 pets in our community each year. Among the services the KHS provides are adoption services (between January 1 and April 19 of this year, 1,126 pets have been adopted), low-cost spay/neutering, pet fostering services, and end-of-life care.

KHS offers a full range of veterinarian services, including a surgery suite. One of its premier events is Woofstock, a celebration of dogs and their owners. ...

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IGNITE Mission Trip Car Wash

Sunday, June 9, is our Mission Trip Car Wash.  This year’s money raised goes to support 18 youth and guides on our Mission Trip to Atlanta, GA. We partner with TeamEffort to serve by building ramps and other projects for those who cannot afford to pay for them.  All you have to do is park your car and register at the table by the coffee bar. We get your car, wash it and return it to its parking space. We ...

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Super Senior Party: June 8

On Saturday, June 8, from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm, the Deacons host the annual Super Senior Party in the Great Room. Invitations are going out to 50 Grace members. Most of these people are still able to drive themselves to the church or have a family member or friend who can bring them. Some, however, want to come but need transportation.

If you can help with transportation, call or text Gail Routsong at 316-303-6638, and plan to be available from ...

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