Yellow Bag Sundays December

Each month on the first Sunday you’re encouraged to take home a re-usable yellow grocery bag, put some non-perishable items in it, and bring it back the next week, or soon thereafter.  In November and December, our contributions go to Operation Holiday.  Operation Holiday is a mission of Interfaith Ministries.  Last year over 13,000 people were served through this outreach.

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Journey to Bethlehem

Let’s walk to Bethlehem, or bike or swim.

It is 6,746 miles from Wichita to Bethlehem, and our goal is to get there by the time the Wise Men do on Epiphany, January 6.  We start walking on November 27, the first Sunday of Advent.

Everyone in the congregation is invited to participate.  Here’s what you need to do:

  • Start tracking your miles. If you use a pedometer, great, keep doing so.  If you need one, we have them for you. Pick up ...
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Behind the Scene: Advent 2016

The nativity scene is a favorite Christian symbol of Advent and Christmas.

Nativity scenes come in all shapes and sizes. Some are passed down through families  Others are made with construction paper and glue. Some nativity scenes are elaborate with wise men and camels, shepherds and sheep, and all kinds of animals around the manger. Others are simple with only Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus.

No matter the design, monetary value, or size, nativity scenes are special. They tell a story and ...

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Bus Tickets and Morning Worship: November 15

Each month, Grace distributes bus tickets to people in our community. This happens on the 15th of the month, or if the 15th is a weekend, we meet the Friday before. Volunteers and those receiving tickets begin to gather around 7 am in the Grace alcove. Guests are greeted with smiles, coffee, water, and a place to sit. Tickets are distributed at 8 am.

We invite all guests to a brief worship service with communion in the Great Room at 7:40 ...

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Laundry Love: November 13

It’s time for our monthly Laundry Love! This is when we go to College Town Laundry at 3223 E 17th St, by the WSU Campus, and we pay for laundry for people. This is a mission of our evangelism team, and we’d love for you to join us. We are there from 2:30 – 5:30 pm on Sunday, November 13. Want to know more? Contact Catherine Neelly Burton in the church office, 684-5215.

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