February Adult Sunday School 2017

There are two learning opportunities on Sunday mornings for adults in February. Classes meet on February 5, 19, and 26.  (The annual meeting is at 10 am on February 12, so there is no Sunday School).

Adults may choose between ‘Love and Logic’ and ‘How do you spell Presbyterian?’

  • Love and Logic – Meets in Room 101 – Taught by Cindy Dethloff and Jennifer Snook
    • Love and Logic is an approach for how we communicate with one another. It is traditionally viewed through ...
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Art on Display

The Grace Arts Team does an incredible job of enhancing our worship spaces and building throughout the year.  They create and find art that relates to worship and the life of the church.

As we approach Children Led Worship on January 29, our Arts Team created a new display. After soliciting art from our youngest artist the team displayed this art on the wall across from the Grace coffee bar. Take time to enjoy it!

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Tough Mudder!

When was the last time you did something for the first time? In late August we are taking a group to Chicago to take part in a fun team building experience known as a Tough Mudder.

What is a Tough Mudder?

A Mudder is a 12 mile military style obstacle course designed to push you beyond your limits, and cover you in mud.

Not a runner? Not a problem, we will do this as a community. Lots of congregations take part in these ...

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Meals for Youth Group

We have about 30-35 youth (middle and senior high) attending fellowship and Bible study every week. This is exciting news! One way that we welcome them is through the hospitality of a meal.

With adult volunteers we serve about 40 people dinner each week.

As we move into the spring semester, please consider signing up to provide a meal for the group. If it’s easier to partner with someone, find a friend and a good date and sign up through the Continue Reading →


Thank You: Elders, Deacons and Trustees! Welcome: New Officers!

In January we ordain and install new officers, which means we say goodbye to men and women who have served faithfully. From the Session we bid farewell to Ron Brown, Max McIntire, Charlene Randle, Sandy Remsberg, and Sue Steele. Leaving the deacons are Fran Belden, Elizabeth Feemster, Jean Mulford, and Karen Wagner.

Completing terms on the Board of Trustees are Don Allison, Marcia Brown, and Bill Wynne.

We say thank you to Bob Ross who completes another year serving as our church ...

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