July’s Yellow Bag: Refugee Backpack Drive

The Refugee team is excited to prepare for this year’s refugee backpack drive to be held at First Presbyterian Church on July 27, 2024, 10 am – 2 pm. The International Rescue Committee asked us to prepare 900 backpacks (we prepared 700 last year)! Our church is one of several faith-based organizations coming together to help purchase supplies.

Grace Presbyterian Church has committed to providing the following three items for 495 backpacks:

  • Crayola colored pencils
  • Crayola thin markers
  • wide-ruled filler paper

We are requesting cash ...

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June’s Yellow Bag Recipient

During the month of June, we are collecting peanut butter and jelly, donating half to the Covenant Presbyterian Church food pantry and half to the Salvation Army (Orchard location) food pantry. If possible, please make sure the jars are plastic. You are welcome to make a cash donation and note on the check that it is for the June Yellow Bag program. At the end of the month, we will buy peanut butter and jelly for distribution.

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