Our Youth Need Your Prayers

Mission has been a focus for our youth this summer. The INSPIRE Middle High youth spent a morning at Botanica helping with weeding and mulching and making one of the garden areas look incredible! After our project was done, we all spent some time in the gardens, had lunch and then went to the movies to make a full day of work and play.

We are only a couple of weeks away before our IGNITE Mission Trip team leaves for Cherokee ...

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Crown Heights July 4 Parade

Each year Crown Heights (the neighborhood the church is in) has a 4th of July Parade, and we participate in the festivities.  The parade begins at 10 am on July 4th, and you should get there a little before to look for others from Grace.

The crowd gathers in the 200 block of N Old Manor Road.

Wear a Grace shirt if you have one. Look for Carolyn Shaw who will be either in a Grace shirt or her traditional American Flag ...

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Family Peach Picking: Monday, July 13

Families mark your calendars for Monda,y July 13. We are carpooling from Grace to the Entz Peach Orchard in Whitewater. We’ll meet at the church at 9 am. The orchard is about 25 minutes away, and the kids can pick as many peaches as you have room to haul. If you do not have young children and would still like to go to the orchard with us all are welcome.

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Children’s Ministry Update

By Jennifer Snook

I love everything about summer. I love the longer days and the summer dinner menus. I love the heat and the change in routine.

Grow Together Cards

Grace Kids Sunday School also enjoys a change in routine. Sunday, May 31, is the last Sunday of our official Sunday School curriculum. For the month of June, find family “Grow Together” cards on the tables at the 9 am service and in the resource slots by the office.

The home is the primary ...

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