August All Church Sunday School


You’re invited to try something new during August. On Sundays, August 9, 16, 23, and 30 we have one inter-generational Sunday School class in the Great Room from 10-10:45 am. Children, youth, and adults will spend the month learning and growing together.

The theme for the class is “On Your Mark, Get Set, Sabbath!” The start of the school year often means the start of hectic schedules for families, and ...

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Get to Know Grace on August 2

Are you new to Grace?  Have you been visiting for a while? Would you like to know more about the church?

Join Pastor Catherine Neelly Burton for a “Get to Know Grace” class on Sunday, August 2, from 9:00-9:45 am in the church parlor.

This is a ONE service Sunday with worship at 10 am. “Get to know Grace” is a time to ask questions and learn more about who we are. No RSVP is needed.

Questions? Contact Catherine, 684-5215 or

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Vacation Bible School Thank You

A gigantic thank you to all who helped make Vacation Bible School (VBS) 2015 a success. We spent each morning exploring God’s incredible, unconditional, invincible love. The end of VBS means the beginning of something new: a chance to connect deeper with our children and families.

Sunday Mornings

Starting July 12, Geoff and Jennifer Snook are teaching the children during the 10 o’clock hour on Sunday mornings. Our Summer Sunday School series includes all children ages five to fifth grade. We meet ...

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Laundry Love is July 12

 Laundry Love is Sunday, July 12. We gather at the College Town Laundromat on 17th Street by WSU.

The Grace Evangelism Team received a grant from the presbytery to fund this initiative. Laundry Love is a national grass roots effort. What happens is that each month on the second Sunday from 3-5:30 pm we pay for laundry for people at this particular laundromat. The hope is that we offer a blessing to our sisters and brother who can use a little ...

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