Adult Sunday School Class

Adult Sunday school resumes after Easter. Join us starting Sunday, April 7, at 10:00 am in the Grace Parlor. The class is comprised of adults of all ages. We resume our study of the Sunday lectionary. The class does a deeper dive into the scripture that is the basis for Dr. Marsh’s sermons. This is a good place for people to jump in and gain insight into scripture, ask questions, and learn together.

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Easter Sunday

Plan to worship with us this Sunday as we gather to celebrate our Risen Lord! Worship is at 9:00 am and 11:00 am, with communion at both services. Celebrate with our band at the 9:00 service. The Intrepid Brass is present at the 11:00 am service. Join us for a continental breakfast from 10:00 to 11:00 in the Great Room and an egg hunt at 10:15 am on the lawn. The flower cross is on the lawn all morning.



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Easter Flowers

Each year on Easter Sunday, the worship spaces of our church feature the abundant beauty of Easter flowers, given for God’s glory and honoring our loved ones. Following worship, the flowers are delivered to members who cannot regularly join us or who have experienced a loss. You can participate by purchasing an Easter flower for $25.00. Call the church office, mail your “Easter Flowers” check, and let us know in whose memory or honor the flowers are given before Mach ...

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