Grace Book Club


Join us for a new reading and discussion experience. Grace Book Club meets Tuesday, May 28 at 6:30 pm in the Parlor. The book is The Woman They Could Not Silence by Kate H. Moore. Everyone is welcome! If you have questions, you may contact Melissa Buteyn at

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Town Hall Meeting Step 2

Our Interim Pastor Journey Town Hall Meeting Step 2 is Sunday, May 5. We have one service in the Sanctuary at 10:00 am, followed by a covered dish lunch, including dessert, water, iced tea, and coffee. The question we focus on for our discussion is: How would you describe Grace to someone you wanted to attend with you? You may pick up a flyer for all the Steps from the bulletin board in the Narthex.

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A Justice Together Call to Action

Our Grace Justice Together team wants to invite you to join us in becoming a part of the Sedgwick County multi-faith community, which is coming together to make a difference in the lives of those who have no voice and are underserved. Did you know…

  • Kansas is dead last of all the states in America in its access to mental health providers, emergency interventions, psychiatric beds, and short-term, and long-term care.
  • There are 350 people with psychiatric problems who are incarcerated for ...
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Save the Date

Grace is part of an interfaith group of communities working on the issues of chronic homelessness and access to mental health. On May 9, over 2,000 members of our Sedgwick County community present the plan to our city and county representatives. More information on the draft plan is available at the kiosks at both entrances. Look for more information soon.

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It’s Garden Time!

The Garden Team has started work this spring! We work Friday mornings and would love to have a few more workers join us, raking, weeding, trimming, planting, watering, etc. We do everything except lawn mowing. If you would like to help make the church grounds beautiful, please contact Don Allison at 315-655-6395 or Bill Wynne at 316-644-4600.


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