Easter Flowers

Each year on Easter Sunday, the worship spaces of our church feature the abundant beauty of Easter flowers, given for God’s glory and honoring our loved ones. Following worship, the flowers are delivered to members who cannot regularly join us or who have experienced a loss. You can participate by purchasing an Easter flower for $25.00. Call the church office, mail your “Easter Flowers” check, and let us know in whose memory or honor the flowers are given before Mach ...

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Refugee Committee: March Collection of Basic Needs

The Refugee Committee is partnering with the International Rescue Committee to help provide the basic necessities for a refugee’s first home in Kansas. We are collecting kitchen and hygiene kits this March. Supplies needed include:

 Kitchen Kits:                                                                                                           Hygiene Kits:

3 mixing bowls                                                                                                            8 bars of soap

1 dish drying rack                                                                                                        4 hand lotions

1 can opener                                                                                                              2 bottles of shampoo

2 kitchen towels                                                                                                          2 band aid boxes

3+ kitchen knives                                                                                                       2 bottles of ...

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Thank You from Simply Hygiene

“Thank you for hosting a hygiene drive for Simply Hygiene at your church. You were able to supply Simply Hygiene with 1,556 hygiene products that will be distributed to those in need in our community. We are grateful for your generosity and look forward to continuing our partnership.”

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Holy Week 2024

Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday worship on March 24. We worship at 9:00 and ll:00 am.

On Maundy Thursday, March 28, we gather for a Tenebrae service with communion at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary.

On Good Friday, March 29, we gather in the Sanctuary at noon for a 30-minute worship service. Please join us for this special service.

Sunday, March 31, is Easter, and we celebrate our risen Lord. We worship at 9:00 and 11:00 am, with communion at both services. ...

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