Economy Corner Update

There will be a large garage sale here at Grace on Thursday, February 1, and Friday, February 2, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm in the Great Room. All money made at this sale is being donated to mission projects, both local and national. You may contact Chris Alexander at 316-209-5698 if you have any questions.

Note: This sale is to liquidate the items we have so that no additional donations can be accepted!

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Meet Rev. Dr. Steven Marsh

Rev Dr Steven MarshThe Rev. Dr. Steven M Marsh has been ordained for 41 years as a Presbyterian Church (USA) minister. He is passionate about remembering, telling, and living the way of Jesus. That passion is evident in his discipling of the leadership, staff, and congregation through his preaching and teaching ministry, as well as his commitment to a missional and intergenerational understanding ...

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Chancel Flowers for 2024

There are opportunities available to give flowers that are on the chancel in the sanctuary on Sundays. Flowers may be ordered in memory of someone, in celebration of a special event, to recognize someone special, or just because. The cost is $70 to reserve both bouquets. Call the office at 684-5215 to reserve sanctuary flowers or for more information.

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Welcome Meal for Rev. Dr. Steven Marsh

On Sunday, January 21, at 12:00 noon, we joyfully welcome our new interim pastor, Rev. Dr. Steven Marsh, to Grace Presbyterian Church! As a celebration, we are having a Welcome Meal in the Great Room. The main dish and drinks are provided. We ask that you bring a side dish (salad, casserole, vegetable) or a dessert. Sign up at the bulletin board by the coffee bar.

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