Operation Holiday

For more than 60 years, Operation Holiday has offered people the chance to share the magic of the holidays with thousands of people in need. Operation Holiday helped more than 8,000 children last year alone and expects to serve even more this year. You can help. Grace is a drop-off location for the holiday drive. Please bring your donations through December 7.

Operation Holiday Needs:

  • New or like-new children’s coats.
  • New or handmade blankets.
  • Non-perishable foods such as soup, proteins, peanut butter, and cereal.
  • Bath ...
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Thank You from Giving the Basics!

giving the basicsThank you to everyone who contributed to the November Yellow Bag Dignity Drive for Giving the Basics Wichita. Grace supplied Giving the Basics (GTB) with 2,922 hygiene products that will be distributed to those in need in our community. GTB is very grateful for our support in closing the hygiene gap in Wichita!



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Hanging of the Greens

 Next Saturday, December 2, from 9 am to 1 pm is our annual Hanging of the Greens. It is a time of fun and preparation. We are decorating the church, sharing a soup potluck lunch, baking and delivering cookies, and doing a family craft. You can come for all or part of the day. If you need childcare, it is available on request.

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