IPNC Update August 28

For IPNC upThe IPNC continues its work and meets weekly. This past week, they contacted three candidates who have expressed interest in the position for initial conversations.  Rev. Debbie Garber, our Presbytery liaison, met with the team last week to discuss interview tips. Please continue to pray for the team as they seek to discern the candidate that will serve us well during this time.

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Adult Sunday School in September

spiritualYou’re invited to join us for the adult Sunday school class in September, Exploring Our Spiritual Gifts.  Spiritual gifts are not our talents or skills. They are the grace of God at work within us, given to build and strengthen community and to meet the needs of those around us. You have been gifted. ...

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IPNC Update August 23

The committee has been matched with five Personal Discernment Profiles (PDPs) to date. They extended an invitation to apply to all five. Three have declined the invitation to apply. The process is slow, and PCUSA is working through a platform transition that could be affecting the number of matches we are receiving. To expand the pool, the committee has also shared the call with seminaries located in the Midwest and the South, including Dubuque, Union, McCormick, and Austin. Members of ...

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Help the Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is back at work and is seeking nominations for the various Officer positions that serve Grace! We’re looking for people to be Elders, Deacons, Trustees, and Jacob’s Learning Ladder Board Members. Church Officers generally have one meeting a month with the occasional Called Meeting in addition to the regular stated meeting.

We also seek people to serve on the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC). The PNC will very likely have weekly meetings, at least initially.

There is a box on ...

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