Wrestling for Another Chance – Kirk Anderson Youth Blog

We wrestle with family, friends, racism, politics, religion, faith, right vs. wrong, morality, books, freedom. You name it – we wrestle with it, but we also wrestle with God.

If you were at our youth Sunday mission service, you heard testimonies from youth who were honest in their struggles and wrestling with faith, life, and who God is. This was also part of our mission trip to Chicago.

We were forced to wrestle with our beliefs and conceptions about Chicago, the “South ...

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Hello from Your Sunday School Coordinator Ben Rivers

July has flown by, and we are approaching August. Back to school. You might be happy about it, but I realize that soon I won’t be able to wear lounge clothes around the house all day. Okay, I am excited about school. There, I said it.

Our first day of Sunday school is August 13. I would love it if all parents, children, and volunteers could attend that day so we may spend some time establishing hopes and expectations for the ...

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The Adult Sunday School Class in August

The adult Sunday school class resumes next Sunday at 10:05 am, in the Grace Parlor. The class is comprised of adults of all ages. Our August study is Ways of Meeting God with Larry Cracraft. Classes last about 30 to 35 minutes. This is a good place for people to jump in and gain insight into scripture, ask questions, and learn together.

These topics are on tap n August:

What is “Spiritual Life”?

Meeting God in Scripture

Meeting God in Service

Meeting God in …

Come ...

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Come Support and Celebrate with Scott Randle!

Come to the next Presbytery meeting on August 12, in Sterling, Kansas. The proceedings start at noon with a BBQ lunch with the meeting to follow.

The agenda includes a motion to commission Scott Randle as a Commissioned Ruling Elder at Viola and at Wellington. If the motion passes, the commissioning (Book of Order W-4.04) will occur at the PSK meeting. Let’s gather in Sterling on Saturday, August 12, and support Scott Randle as he affirms his calling as a Commissioned ...

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