Yellow Bag Collection for February 2023

Do you know that January and February are some of the lowest months for food donations?  This is because many who donate over the Thanksgiving/Christmas holidays find it difficult to donate or assume that enough was given in the November/December months to support organizations through the winter.  This is not necessarily true, and our collective help is needed all year through.  So, this is why we help those in our community throughout the year with our Yellow Bag collections.  This ...

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Ash Wednesday: February 22

Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, February 22.  We have two opportunities for Ash Wednesday worship.

  • Ashes on the Go: 7 – 8:30 am

Stop by Grace for Ashes on The Go.  We have bagels and coffee to go along with prayer and the imposition of ashes. Stop by anytime between 7 and 8:30 am.

  • Ash Wednesday Worship: 6:30 pm

We gather in the Grace Sanctuary ...

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Thank You, Outgoing Officers!

Each winter, we ordain and install new officers and say thank you to those who have completed their active service. The following people end their service in February.

  • Thank you to elders Sandy Blaylock, Betsy Ross, and Elyse Scholl.
  • Thank you to deacons Rocky Burris II, Bruce Gealy, and Edith Tice.
  • Thank you to trustees Anne Burris, Scott Fraizer, and Texie Randle.
  • Thank you to Jacob’s Learning Ladder board member Betsy Schumaann.

In addition, we give thanks to our church officers: president Cathy Feemster, secretary ...

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Grace Presbyterian Annual Meeting: February 5, 2023

The Grace Presbyterian Church Annual Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, February 5, 2023, immediately following worship at 10 am in the Great Room.  The business of the meeting is to update the church bylaws and approve the terms of call for Pastor Catherine Neelly Burton.  In addition, the budget will be presented, and staff will share.  Annual reports are available at Grace starting on Sunday, January 29.

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PCUSA Per Capita


It’s that time of year again—for our per capita commitment to the PCUSA. This year, per capita is $40 per active Grace member. This money is part of the glue that holds Presbyterians together and enables us to work with other Presbyterian churches in our presbytery and across the country to further the mission of Jesus Christ. If you’d like to ...

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