Choir Cantata: December 18

On Sunday, December 18, the choir at Grace presents three carol settings at the 11 am service. This composition, entitled “A Star in the East,” was written by the brilliant Gwyneth Walker (b. 1947). She wrote this work in the winter of 2020, among all the challenges Covid-19 presented to churches, musicians, and the world. This work incorporates organ, brass, and percussion to accompany the singers. I am very excited to have Kelsey Wise on the organ, members from Intrepid ...

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Christmas Brunch: December 18

Christmas Brunch is just around the corner! Join us in the Great Room on December 18 from 10 am-11 am. It’ll be great to take some time from the hustle and bustle, relax, and visit with your Grace friends. This is a potluck, and sign-up sheets are on the bulletin board by the coffee bar. The categories are egg dishes, meat and cheese, fruit, bread, and pastries.

This year’s theme is “O Tannenbaum,” so if you’re creative or want to be, ...

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Wandering Nativity

Keep an eye out for Mary, Joseph, and their donkey as well as the Three Wise Men.  They are all traveling around our church, making their way to Bethlehem.  Each week in Sunday School, our children’s class moves them closer to the manger.


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From the Pastor’s Desk

November 22, 2022

Dear Grace Community,

I give thanks for you and want to share some news from the session. In June, I started a conversation with the session about how we welcome the LGBTQ community to Grace.  Those of you who were here seven years ago may recall the work we did as a congregation around same-sex marriage.  That was a challenging conversation, and because it was hard, we stopped talking about it as a congregation once that discussion was done.

On ...

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Session Minute Summary: October 2022

Full Session minutes are available upon request.

  • The Grace Session met on October 17 at 6 pm, in the church parlor, and on Zoom. The meeting was opened with a devotional by Catherine Neelly Burton.
  • The Session met via Zoom with Mike Crain from Ministry Architects to hear details of his staffing recommendations and to ask questions.
  • The Session reviewed the Board of Trustees’ memorial fund policy.
  • The church by-laws were discussed and edited – to be approved by the congregation at the annual ...
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