Journey Through Scripture

On Sunday, September 18, we begin our fourth journey through scripture.  Each fall we read stories that tell the big picture of the Old Testament, beginning in Genesis and ending with the prophets before Christmas.  Then we spend the winter and spring in one gospel book.  This year our book is Matthew.

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Yellow Bags September 2022: Giving the Basics

This month’s recipient for our Yellow Bag donations is GIVING THE BASICS – WICHITA.  Grace has partnered with this organization in the past and looks forward to continuing this mission connection.  Below are the hygiene products most needed at GIVING THE BASICS.

giving the basics

body soap

hair conditioner


laundry soap

skin lotion

maxi/mini pads



toilet paper




Also, please note the new Yellow Bags with the Grace logo.  ...

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Grace Chancel Choir in Concert at Plymouth Congregational Church: September 24

Our neighbors at Plymouth Congregational Church (202 N. Clifton – 67208) hold a fine arts series throughout the year.  In September, they invited composer Howard Helvey to Wichita. Full details of their event may be found here:

On Saturday, September 24, at 7 pm, the Grace Chancel Choir joins the Plymouth Choir, piano, and organ, for the works of Helvey that include hymn arrangements, anthems, piano solos, organ solos, four-hand piano duets, piano, and organ duets, and vocal ...

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Session Minute Summaries: July 18 and July 31

Full Session minutes are available upon request

July 18

  • The Grace Session met on July 18 at 6:00 pm in the church parlor. The meeting was opened with a devotional by Steve Hooper.
  • It was noted that the returned full rail in the sanctuary is making sound difficult – piano levels and mic levels. One third of the rail will be removed to see if that makes a difference.
  • In 2021 Grace received a gift of $50,000 to be used in ministry, specifically with ...
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