Good Neighbor Team

The Good Neighbor Team is gearing up for a second season of service!

The Good Neighbor Team works in partnership with the Code Enforcement Office of the city and county.  This office looks for volunteers to complete physical labor at the homes of people who are at risk of fines for code violations.  Many of these people do not have the physical or financial means to complete the projects.  Projects include things like yard clean up, demolishing a broken shed, and ...

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April Yellow Bags: Giving the Basics

In April we partner with Giving the Basics for our Yellow Bag drive.

From their website:

Giving the Basics Wichita started in the Midwest in 2011 when a small group of people came together to help a family in need. The family was struggling to make ends meet. They were requesting food donations from the local pantry but their basic necessities of life like shampoo, toothpaste, laundry detergent, diapers and toilet paper were not available. These products were not ...

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Dining with Grace

Let’s reconnect after this long time of COVID separation! Join with other Grace members (adults and teens), in small groups of six to nine guests meeting at various homes for dinner and fun conversation. Sign up at the bulletin board by the coffee bar or by calling the church office, 316-684-5215.

You may sign up for more than one date that you are available.  By your name, place a “1” for the optimal date, and a “2” for the second date ...

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Easter Flowers

Each year on Easter Sunday, the worship spaces of our church feature the abundant beauty of Easter flowers, given for God’s glory, and honoring our loved ones. Following worship, the flowers are delivered to members who cannot regularly join us. You can participate by purchasing an Easter flower for $22.

Call the church office, mail your check marked “Easter Flowers” and let us know in whose memory or honor the flowers are given. The names will be listed in the Easter ...

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