Women’s Conference: May 19-22

Calling all Grace women: we’re going on a retreat.  Join Pastor Catherine Neelly Burton and Melissa Buteyn for a road trip to Mo-Ranch in Hunt, TX, May 19-22.  Mo-Ranch is a Presbyterian Church USA retreat Center, and while it’s a long drive to get there, we think it will be a grand adventure.

This is what Mo-Ranch says about the conference:

Each year, hundreds of women from across the region gather together for the Mo-Ranch Women’s Conference. Take a break from the ...

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One Great Hour of Sharing


Each year Grace Presbyterian participates in the One Great Hour of Sharing offering of the PCUSA.  We receive this offering on Palm Sunday, April 10.

The One Great Hour of Sharing offering supports the ministry of the PCUSA in the United States and around the world and focuses on three areas: The Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Program, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and the Self ...

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Palm Sunday Stations of the Cross: April 10

Begin Holy Week by reflecting on the journey of Christ to Calvary.  On Palm Sunday, April 10, from 2:00-3:30 pm you are invited to walk the stations of the cross. The stations of the cross are located at the Spiritual Life Center in Bel Aire, 7100 East 45th Street North.

Nestled in the trees of the beautiful campus of the Spiritual Life Center are statues of the stations of the cross.  Enter the prayer labyrinth and walk through Christ’s journey to ...

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Current Mask Policy: March 21, 2022

At its March 21 meeting, the Grace Session adapted the church mask policy. The policy is now that masks are to be used at one’s discretion. The Session strongly encourages anyone who does not feel well to stay home and worship with us online. Masks continue to be available at Grace for all who desire one.

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