Joy Gift Received December 19

christmas joyDuring this Advent Season we are called to support the Christmas Joy Offering, to open doors for those we might not be able to meet face to face with but who need the support that our gifts provide. We receive this offering at Grace on December 19.

We support the potential of students of color who will become our leaders, and we ...

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Silent Night Worship: December 13 at 6:30 pm

For anyone who has experienced loss or sadness, the holidays can be difficult, or at the least, stir up emotions. Whether it is a public loss, like a death in the family or a divorce, or a more private sadness, it can be hard to move through a season when the expectations are high energy and big smiles.

Recognizing that some of us need a time to pause, a quiet time and space set apart during the Advent Season, Grace hosts ...

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Food Packing Event: January 2

Save the date: Sunday, January 2, at 10 am!

We start the new year with a service Sunday. Our morning worship is a service as we pack meals for local refugees. The time includes prayer and song. We are working to make this event something that people of all ages and abilities can participate in.

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January Sunday School: The Gospel of John


This January you are invited to learn more about the Gospel of John.  Matthew, Mark, and Luke are known as the synoptic gospels. These three share many stories and traits. John is different. It’s a beautiful and intriguing book. It’s only in John where we hear Jesus’ “I am” statements, and it is in John where we do not get a ...

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