Sunday, November 14: Two Distinct Ways to Worship

On Sunday, November 14, our 9 am and 11 am worship services will be quite different, so plan to come to both, or plan for the service that works best for you.

The 9 am worship service will not include a traditional sermon. In place of the sermon, the congregation will actively participate in mission projects such as making care packages for college students, creating hygiene bags for the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, and writing notes to ‘at home’ members. The service ...

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Gen Z and How to Talk to Teens

gen z

Some of us are podcast people. Some of us aren’t. Some of us don’t know what podcasts are.

Podcasts are conversations that you can listen to anytime. It’s a bit like a radio show on demand. In the last two years my sermon prep changed from reading to listening as two groups of Biblical Scholars I respect started ...

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Sewing Machines

There is a room on the second floor of Grace that is filled with sewing machines. In different seasons, ministry teams have used them. One sewing team iteration made tote bags for various groups. Another team made pillows. Most recently the quilting group used them.

Through our connections with the International Rescue Committee (IRC), we’ve learned that sewing machines are in demand in the local refugee community. In the refugee community, the women primarily stay home with children, and a sewing ...

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