Backpack Event: Thank you!

Thank you to all who donated to make the backpack party a success.  The Grace refugee team spent Friday morning sorting supplies and preparing for the event.  Saturday was full of more volunteers and families coming to receive backpacks as well as books and snacks.  Covid vaccines were also available.

We are grateful for the leadership of First Presbyterian in hosting and for the many partnerships that make this event possible.  Our refugee team continues to work closely with the International ...

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Yellow Bags: August

This month our Yellow Bag items go to the Covenant Presbyterian Church Food Pantry.  Please bring non-perishable food items to the church all month.  Thank you for your support of the Refugee Backpack Drive and the Vacation Bible School supply drive.

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Music Ministry Updates

Last December we joyfully hired Tyler Morris as our Director of Music Ministries.  We are excited for the upcoming school and music year with his leadership. This summer Tyler stepped down from leading our band at the 9 am worship service. We have hired Bryce Mulkey to lead the band.

Bryce is currently the drummer in the band and will continue to play the drums as well as lead. Tyler will supervise Bryce and still be involved at 9 am worship. ...

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