Adult Sunday School: October 3 and 10


For two weeks in October our adult Sunday School class digs into the book of Exodus. Each Sunday the class studies the scripture from worship. The class is a mix of adults of all ages and enjoys looking at the text from lots of different angles. It’s a good place to ask questions and consider how the Biblical story intersects with your ...

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Session Minute Summary: August 16, 2021

  • The Grace Presbyterian Session met on August 16, 2021, in the Grace alcove and on Zoom.
  • The meeting was opened and closed with prayer.
  • Catherine shared news about a financial gift that will be given to the church by the end of the year. Staff has begun to brainstorm ways to best steward this gift and session broke into groups to discuss and share ideas.
  • Covid guidelines were discussed. The Session voted to keep them the same.
  • The Session discussed the gathering that took ...
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Adult Sunday School in September: Genesis

schoolThis September our adult Sunday School class digs into the book of Genesis. Each Sunday the class studies the scripture from worship. The class is a mix of adults of all ages and enjoys looking at the text from lots of different angles. It’s a good place to ask questions and consider how the Biblical story intersects with your life.

The class ...

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Session Minute Summary: July 19, 2021, and August 1, 2021

July 19, 2021

  • The Grace Presbyterian Session met on July 19, 2021, in the church alcove and on zoom.
  • The meeting was opened and closed with prayer.
  • The session welcomed Emily Stoltz (Jacob’s Learning Ladder Director) and Nancy Morrow (Jacob’s Learning Ladder Assistant Director) to the meeting. Emily and Nancy shared the exciting news of a $60,000 sustainability grant JLL received.
  • The Covid safety protocols were discussed.
  • Catherine asked all Session members to attend the conversations at 10 am in the Great Room on August ...
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Grace to the Wind Surge: September 11

Join Grace friends and family for a night at the ball park. We have a block of tickets to see the Wichita Wind Surge play on Saturday, September 11, at 6:05 pm.  Tickets are $15 and come with $3 pre-loaded on them for the concession stand. Sign up and pay at Grace on Sundays August 22 and 29 or by calling the church office.

We’ll watch the game with friends from First Presbyterian Wichita, Westwood Presbyterian Wichita, and the Marion Presbyterian ...

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