Mask Updates: May 19

Dear Grace Community,

On Monday, May 17, the Grace Session discussed the updates to the CDC guidelines on masks and updated our policies.  Starting today, anyone who is fully inoculated may choose whether or not to wear a mask while in the Grace building. This includes worship, meetings, and events.  Masks are still required for those who are not inoculated. The Session meets next on June 21 and addresses the guidelines again.

We continue to socially distance in worship, with tape on ...

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Volunteer Appreciation Party: June 9

Each spring we hold a party to say “Thank You” to all the volunteers who make ministry happen at Grace.  Last spring the party didn’t happen, so this year we are READY!  If you’ve ever volunteered at Grace, even one time, we want you to come to the party.

The party this year is in the east parking lot at 6:30 pm on June 9.  There is live music and dessert.  We know that some of you are ready to dine ...

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IGNITE Mission Trip Car Wash 2021

Sunday, June 6, is our Annual Mission Trip Car Wash.

This year’s money raised goes to support 27 youth and guides on their Mission Trip to Copperhill, Tennessee. We partner with TEAMeffort to serve the surrounding area with much needed home repairs and painting. Youth are challenged and pushed outside of their comfort zones allowing them to experience God through worship, music, testimony, service, and community.

All you have to do is park your car and register at the table by the ...

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PCUSA Per Capita


Each year Grace is financially assessed for each member of our congregation.  This assessment is done by our presbytery and is called per capita.  Per capita is not a tax.  Nothing happens to us if we don’t give (or pay) it, but we do give it because it strengthens the Presbyterian Church.  What we give helps fund our presbytery and ...

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Memorial Garden

Grace Presbyterian has a memorial garden on the east side of the building. The garden includes benches, a fountain, and a monument.  The memorial garden may be used for burial of ashes.  The monument lists names of those whose ashes are buried there. If you want to learn more about the memorial garden contact Catherine Neelly Burton or Martin Burch, 316-684-5215.

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