Grace Lawn and Garden Teams

The Grace Lawn and Garden Teams are back to work.  All lawn and garden responsibilities at Grace are handled by volunteers, and you are invited to join!

The Garden Team meets most Friday mornings for garden projects including trimming, planting, and weeding.

The Lawn Team is more of an individual activity with a schedule for who mows the grass and when. The good news?  We now have a riding mower. Contact the church office to volunteer for either team at 316-684-5215.

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Yellow Bags: April 2021

Each month Grace invites you to contribute to our “Yellow Bag” Sundays.  Yellow reusable grocery bags are available in the building, and you are encouraged to fill them with the item of the month and return them to Grace. In April we collect food, and our donations go to the food pantry at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Wichita.  Please bring non-perishable food items to Grace by Sunday, April 25.



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