Easter Flowers

Each year on Easter Sunday, the worship spaces of our church feature the abundant beauty of Easter flowers, given for God’s glory, and honoring our loved ones. Following worship, the flowers are delivered to members who cannot regularly join us, or who have experienced a loss. You can participate by purchasing an Easter flower for $20.

Call the church office, mail your check marked “Easter Flowers” and let us know in whose memory or honor the flowers are given. The names ...

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Palm Sunday: Stations of the Cross

Enter Holy Week with a reflection of the journey of Christ to Calvary.  On Palm Sunday, March 28, from 2-4 pm a guided walk through the stations of the cross is held by Grace Presbyterian leadership.

The journey begins in the east parking lot of the Spiritual Life Center in Bel Aire, Kansas. (7100 East 45th Street North, Bel Aire, Ks).  Nestled in the trees of the beautiful campus of the Spiritual Life Center are statues of the stations of the ...

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One Great Hour of Sharing Offering

Each spring we receive the One Great Hour of Sharing offering along with Presbyterians around the world.  This year we receive it on Palm Sunday.

This offering supports the ministry of the PCUSA in the United States and around the world. Specifically, it supports three mission areas: the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance program, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and the Self Development of People program.

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Grace Book Club: March 30

Grace Book Club

Are you interested in learning more about your faith from new perspectives?

Join us at the Grace Book Club! We meet every two months to discuss the latest book. Our next book is Jesus Feminist by Sarah Bessey. We meet at 6:30 pm in the parlor at Grace on March 30. We’d love to have ...

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